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- Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis

During the past thirty-four years, Bruce Willis has developed a level of expertise in the areas of financial investigations, public corruption, and in the forensic science field. Willis’ interest began in October of 1988, and after all these years, his interest has not faded one bit.
He has testified in Federal and State Superior Court as an expert witness for many different things: crime scene processing, various reconstruction fields in scene processing, photography, ballistics, latent and patent print processing, fingerprint comparison and identification, bloodstain pattern interpretation, DNA, blood reagents, bruise pattern analysis and other topics in the forensic field. Willis has also testified in numerous death penalty cases and has been recognized by the court in each case as an expert in various forensic fields, which include: bloodstain pattern analysis, photography, reconstruction, crime scene analysis, and fingerprint processing, development and comparison.
Willis’ previous career has enabled him to seek and use many life experiences in the application of the subject areas that he teaches. He also uses all of the many life experiences as an invaluable tool in the instruction of the students at the Irwin County Schools. As an Instructor, Willis has taught 1000’s of students in the area of Supervision and Management, Interviews and Interrogations, Crimes against Persons, Forensics and International Terrorism. He developed, presented and maintained budgets within his department and associated departments when employed with the GBI, Tift County Sheriff’s Office and GPSTC.
Willis has supervised hundreds of employees as a Field Training Agent with the GBI, Tift County Sheriff’s office and the Georgia Department of Public Safety. This includes all aspects of the hiring of employees, evaluation for promotion and termination of employees and day-to-day, as well as yearly budgeting duties.
- EDs Exemplary Teaching, Reading Endorsement, Valdosta State University
- MPA, Columbus State University
- Georgia Law Enforcement Command College and Professional Management Program, Columbus State Univesrity
- B.S. in Criminal Justice, Minor in Sociology, Valdosta State University
- A.S. in Mathematics, Valdosta State University
- GPSTC-GBI Basic Agent Certification
- GPA Atlanta-GBI Basic Narcotics Agent Class
- GA POST Narcotic Agent
- GA POST GBI Investigator
- GA POST General Instructor
- GA POST Arson Investigator
- GA POST Crime Scene Technician
- State of Georgia Certified Coach, American Scholastic Certification Program, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Fast Pitch Softball, and Football
- ACT Certified State of Georgia Teacher
- GACE Certified P-12 SPED Adaptive, Consultative Instructor
- GACE Certified P-16 Reading Instructor
- GACE Certified K-12 History Instructor
- GACE Certified 6-8 Middle Grades All academic disciplines Instructor
- GACE and Praxis II Certified Educational Leadership Certified
- Praxis II Certified Mathematics Instructor
- Praxis II Certified P-12 SPED Instructor
Professional Memberships:
- International Association of Arson Investigators
- Georgia Fire Investigators Association
- International Association of Identification
- Georgia Association of Identification
- International Association of Blood Pattern Analysts
- International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- National Council of Teachers of Science
Teaching Experience:
- GPA Regional Academy, ABAC, Macon
- GBI Basic Agent Course
- GSP Candidate Course
- GPSTC Local Law Enforcement Basic and In-Service GPSTC
- GPSTC Forensic and Criminal Investigation courses
- GPSTC Coroners Training Council
- Irwin County Board of Education
Courses Taught:
Primary Instructor
- Basic Photography and Digital Imaging
- Ballistic and Firearm Documentation
- Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
- Coroner Basic
- Coroner In-Service
- Crime Scene Technician
- Crime Scene Reconstruction
- Evidence Presentation
- Fingerprint Classification
- Friction Ridge Comparisons
- Latent Print Development
- Medico-legal Death Investigation
Adjunct Instructor
- Arson Investigation Level I and II, Post-Blast
- Crime Scene Processing
- Criminal Investigations
- Homicide Investigatiions
- Interviews and Interrogations